Cyber Bridges to Rebuild Trust

A Cyber Bridge to Rebuild Trust – Germany

CSPRI and the Cyber-Security Council of Germany signed an agreement to organize a long term, sustained program of academic exchanges, seminars and collaborative research intended to rebuild the trust between the two nations - traditional actors in a strong partnership in cyber security efforts - that recently has undergone challenges.  The point of contact is CSPRI Associate Director Prof. Costis Toregas ([email protected]).  Click here for the project page.

Cyber Bridges to Building Trust – Information Security Seminar Series for South Asian Scholars

CSPRI developed and hosted a week-long Information Security Seminar Series for South Asian Scholars with lectures, presentations, and discussions on technical and policy issues related to information and cyber security, crime, and terrorism.  Specific goals were to assist the next generation of information and communications technology (ICT) experts to become more proficient in information security technology measures and to become aware of the importance of various policy ramifications related to the subject.  Invited participants include university students and professors from leading engineering and computer science departments in South Asia.  The point of contact is Prof. Lance Hoffman ([email protected]).


Visiting Scholars Hosted

Kimberly Lukin (Finland, Fulbright)
Rahat Masood (Pakistan)